The Dwarfing of Europe?
On 22 and 23 May 2013, ECF, De Balie and Tilburg University organised the debates ‘The Dwarfing of Europe?’, as Europe cannot just reflect on itself without considering the context of a shifting global environment. On the backdrop of the ongoing crisis stretching far beyond the financial , the prevailing skepticism towards the European project and the urge to look into the mirrors that the BIC countries can offer us, ECF and partners organised this timely dialogue.
For centuries Europe was considered to be the centre of the world. This is changing and Europe is struggling with an altered reality. Insights from Brazil, India and China can help us craft new narratives for Europe: In depth interviews with thinkers presented:

Christina Soreanu Pecequilo / Professor of International Relations, Brazil

Rajendra K. Jain / Professor of European Studies, India

Jian Shi / Professor of European Studies, China