Camouflage is a short drama film about a young high school student from Amsterdam Nieuw-West who is a silent witness to domestic violence. The screenplay was written by Bregt Pepijn Verhagen, who is also the director of the project. His debut film LUX premiered in September 2019.
Camouflage is about domestic violence from the perspective of a thirteen-year-old boy named Deniz. However, the violence is implied in the film and not actually shown. Even the perpetrator, Deniz’s father, is completely left out of the picture. The film shows the impact of Deniz’s home situation on, among other things, his relationship with his mother, his behavior at school, and his development as a teenager.
Before his work as an independent filmmaker, Bregt Pepijn Verhagen briefly worked as a teacher in secondary education. During his work as a teacher, the idea for the scenario of Camouflage arose. His debut film LUX premiered in 2019. Verhagen is currently working on the short fiction film Camouflage in collaboration with Conijn Film.
The Short Drama film Camouflage in collaboration with Conijn film is now in production.
Original title CAMOUFLAGE
Genre Short fictie
Running time 16 minutes
Format HD video
Screen Ratio 4:3
Language Dutch
Dutch broadcaster AVROTROS
Year of release 2022
Director Bregt van Hagen
Producer Wout Conijn
Subtitles English/Dutch
Executive Producer Ron Groenewoud
Director of Photography Christiaan van Leeuwen
Editor Jurriaan de Groot
Sound recording Marcel de Hoogd
Color Correction Christiaan van Leeuwen
Sound design Jaim Sahuleka
Realized with support from Adessium, Pro Juventute, Veilig Thuis, and Foundation View.